
Find a like-minded commuter with Ridematch instantly.

Want to find the right person to share your drive, or a partner to bike with to work? Ridematch is the convenient online tool that will help you make the connection quickly and easily.

Ridematch is a simple, easy, and secure way to find a rideshare partner any time of the day for everything from carpools, vanpools, SchoolPools and biking to work, to one-time special events like ballgames and concerts. You can even create your own personal event and invite others to share the ride to the event. Your event is private so only those you invite can see it.

Get Started.

To start, sign up for an account. Next, enter your trip's starting and ending points. Then, select the ridematch preferences that best fit your schedule. Let Ridematch securely match you with other registered co-workers or commuters in your neighborhood. You choose how much personal information is shared during the ridematch process!

Save money and the environment.

Commuting doesn’t need to take a toll on your car, your health, and the environment. Sharing a ride to work in a carpool, vanpool, or with a cycling partner can be a great way to save—even if you only do it one day a week.

It’s fast and secure.

Ridematch is secure. You choose how much personal information is shared during the ridematch process. You can match without using your home address—simply choose a local corner or Park and Ride lot as your starting point. Use your work email address so you can match easily with co-workers.

Find a bike partner.

Ridematch can link you to a bike buddy for riding to work.

Let Ridematch help your employees.

If you’re an employer, we can work with you to set up Ridematch as part of your commuter benefit program. Employees can even choose to match only within your company.

Rideshare anywhere.

Ridematch provides matches for your daily commute to work, as well as one-time trips to special events like football and baseball games. It can also match you on the fly when you need a ride to get to an appointment.